Who’s ready to make some fun? We all have great ideas for cool and exciting things to do here in Huntington County. We know that you’ve probably sat around with friends at one time or another and have brainstormed ideas on new events and wondered if others would think it was fun too. We want those ideas AND we want to give you money to get it started!
The Huntington County Community Foundation and the Huntington County Visitor Bureau have teamed up to create the What Would YOU Do? GRANT. We are looking not only for great ideas but for individuals who are willing to step up and make them happen. If your idea is selected, we’re going to give you the money you need to get started – up to $1,000 – and if you need help with next steps, we’ll assist in connecting you with local resources to get things rolling.
So how does this work?
Well first, you need to come up with an idea for something FUN that we can do here in the county. Maybe it’s a new event or an activity. Some examples are a “Chalk Walk” or “Bike Parade.” We’re looking for something new – fresh ideas! The money can be used for buying supplies, renting equipment, food, marketing or things we haven’t even thought of yet. Then you need to tell us about it. The more details the better so that we can understand your vision and know what the money will be used for.
There’s no deadline for the fund, no fancy forms and we’ll keep giving out the money as long as great ideas keep coming in. The money is first-come, first-served so if you have been sitting on an idea, here’s your chance. The money could go to an individual, organization or business but it cannot directly benefit the recipient and the funds must benefit the public.
We’re excited to hear your ideas! Send your details to [email protected] or [email protected].