The Pathfinder Early Learning Center Turkey Trot is a Thanksgiving tradition in Huntington County and will take place on Thanksgiving Day, Thursday, November 28 from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. The Turkey Trot is a 5K run and Turkey Waddle 1 Mile Walk that starts at Pathfinder’s Administrative offices, going around the beautiful Pehkokia Woods and passing the Izaak Walton League on the way back. In addition to their in-person race, they will continue to offer a great virtual race experience too. Money raised supports the children and programming at the Early Learning Center.
Click on the link for race and sign-up information: 20th Annual Turkey Trot.
Great News! Pathfinder Turkey Trot and Waddle now offers a referral program.
When you complete your registration; in your registration confirmation email, you will receive a unique link to share with friends and family. If 5 (five) individuals sign up with your link, you will get your $25 registration fee REFUNDED!