Save the date for an afternoon of fun at the Huntington Indiana Chalk Walk Festival, September 16, 2023 at the Huntington Court House Square from noon to 5 p.m. Free to attend and free to participate!
Come downtown to the Chalk Walk Festival and enjoy music by Acoustic Rush and Coda, Workshops on basic art skills and the basics of crochet, Face Painting, Bubbles & Smiles and Photo Op Area with backdrops for family photo fun. Hot and ice coffee and cookies will be available for purchase.
Artists sign in and start working as early as 8 a.m. - The 5'x5' squares are FREE as are the limited amount of 10'x10' squares.
There will be free chalk but you may want to bring your own. Please, no tempura paint!
Artists are allowed to work on their sidewalk squares until 3 p.m. when judging begins.
Judging results will be announced at 4 p.m. Cash prizes awarded!
Juried Categories:
Best of Show
10 & under
Huntington Celebrating 175 years
Kinetic Art
Street Art
Magical Realism
Most Original
Huntington Police Department's Pick
There is no rain date for this event.
The Chalk Walk is dedicated to promote unity in our community of all ages through art and other family-friendly activities. Any net proceeds generated from the event will be donated to the Chalk Walk Scholarship Fund with our Huntington County Community Foundation. There will be a donation box on site if anyone would like to donate to the Chalk Walk Scholarship Fund.
Want to become a sponsor? Contact Pam Burris, Chairperson/coordinator at 260-388-3390 if you would like to donate to the chalk walk and become a sponsor.
Note: All events are subject to change including some advertised activities within an event. Please verify information before attending any event!