4th year Olympic, and Sprint distance Triathlon, Duathlon, and Aquabike races at Lake Clare in Huntington, IN on June 9 from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Event by Ruble Racing - Events and Timing, Huntington Area Recreational Trails Association and MED Training and Consulting- MED Sports LLC
Great spectator swim at Lake Clare.
Flat fast bike course on Huntington country roads.
Run paved trails around Lake Clare Park.
Triathlon, Relay, Duathlon, and Aquabike options.
Sprint Tri - 500 yard lake swim; 12 mile bike; 3.1 mile
Olympic Tri - 1650 yard swim; 24.8 mile bike; 6.2 mile run
*if you'd like to register for 3 or more events at once contact [email protected] for a discount code to do that*
See all of the 'Ruble Racing' 2024 events at --> www.rubleracing.org
Follow the Huntington Sprint & Olympic Triathlon at Lake Clare on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/event...
***A note from the Visitor Bureau: All events are subject to change including some advertised activities within an event. Please verify information before attending any event!***