Learn about Genealogy with Sarah Kirby, the Genealogy and Local History Archives Librarian at the Huntington City-Township Public Library’s Keefer Center on Wednesday, July 17 at 7 p.m. at the Huntington County History and Education Center. Sarah has been a genealogist since 1994 and a research librarian since 2001. The Indiana Genealogical Society appointed her the Huntington County Genealogist in 2022.
HPL's Keefer Center has many resources available for those wishing to research and map their family tree. The collection contains a wide range of material related to Huntington, its early settlers, and the areas for which Huntington’s original citizens came. For more information call the Huntington County History and Education Center at 260-356-7264.
The program is free to Historical Society members, and $3 for non-members. Light refreshments will be provided.
The ending time for this event is approximate.
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