7:00pm - 8:00pm
Old German School, at the intersection of West Maple Grove Road and the Huntington-Wabash County Line Road, 3 miles north of US 24 West.
The story of the Old German School and the large German settlement which once existed in the area around the Wabash-Huntington County Line will be recalled at the German School on Sunday evening, April 30 at 7:00 p.m. Stories of life in Germany which prompted immigration to America in the early and mid-1800’s, the 1848 Peasant Revolt as well as the 1851 founding of the St. Paul’s Church, will be told by descendants of the church founders. Early life in the wilderness will also be described.
The program is free and the public is invited. For more information call 260-388-3846.
The Old German School is located at the intersection of West Maple Grove Road and the Huntington-Wabash County Line Road, 3 miles north of US 24 West.