The Pathfinder Kids Kampus Turkey Trot is a Thanksgiving tradition in Huntington County and will take place on Thanksgiving Day, Thursday, November 23, 2023, 8 to 10 a.m.
The Turkey Trot is a 5K run and 1 Mile Walk that will start at Pathfinder’s Administrative offices this year, going around the beautiful Pehkokia Woods and passing the Izaak Walton League on the way back. We plan on seeing our 1,100+ participants, along with spectators and fans. In addition to our in-person race, we will continue to offer a great virtual race experience too! Money raised supports the children and programming at Kids Kampus.
Sign up now as the price increases after November 18, 2023 to $30.
***Note: All events are subject to change. Please verify information before attending any event.***