Meet local native plant landscaper Jake Wyatt of Wyatt Way Landscapes and Nursery, Saturday, November 23, at 1 p.m., to see a slideshow of unique plants that are important to Salamonie Lake’s native plant landscape. Then, grab your gloves to help plant an unusual milkweed out on the trail.
- Meet at Salamonie Lake’s interpretive / nature center, located in Lost Bridge West SRA. - Dress for the weather.
- Cost is $5 per person, payable by cash or check made out to Friends of UWIS, day of workshop. - *Advance registration is requested by calling 260-468-2127.
- Program designed for adults and their teenaged children. This unique opportunity is sponsored by Friends of Upper Wabash Interpretive Services (UWIS).
For more information on other UWIS programs, visit on.IN.gov/salamonielake and Facebook.com/salamonielake .
To view all DNR events, please see dnr.IN.gov.
Photo credit Indiana DNR