Need an escape from the hustle and bustle of the holidays? Enjoy a leisurely Winter Solstice Stroll along the Wildlife Management Trail at Salamonie Lake, Dec. 21. Meet at the Interpretive Center at 4:30 p.m, walk the trail, and enjoy a cup of hot cocoa afterwards.
- Meet at Salamonie Lake’s interpretive / nature center, located in Lost Bridge West SRA. - Dress for the weather.
- No cost.
- No registration needed.
- No stress!
- Questions? Give us a call at 260-468-2127.
Salamonie Lake’s Upper Wabash Interpretive Services (interpretive/nature center), 3691 S. New Holland Road, Andrews, IN 46702.
For more information on other UWIS programs, visit on.IN.gov/salamonielake and Facebook.com/salamonielake .
To view all DNR events, please see dnr.IN.gov.
***A note from the Huntington County Visitor Bureau: All events on our calendar are subject to change including some advertised activities within an event. Please verify information before attending any event.***